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Family Forum: ASXL Dad Chat

Wednesday, March 12 from 8-9pm U.S. Eastern Time (find this time in your time zone): Bob Walsh, Daniel Ordower, and Justin Wienke invite you to join an informal monthly discussion about their journey as fathers to children with ASXL related disorders. This is a chance to connect with others who understand the unique challenges and rewards of raising a child with special needs. Share experiences, gain support, and build a community where your voice matters. This call is held monthly on the second Wednesday of every month from 8-9pm Eastern Time.

The ARRE Foundation Family Forums are an informal virtual gathering for family members, caregivers, and friends of individuals with ASXL-related disorders. These forums are designed to foster connections within our community and provide an opportunity to share and learn from one another's experiences.

March 10

Understanding unclear genetic test results: variants of uncertain significance (VUS) and likely pathogenic variants in ASXL-related disorders

April 3

Introduction and overview of the Kinesio® Taping Method for neuromuscular disorders