Be a part of our progress
Host a fundraiser for GivingTuesday!
Use our step-by-step guide and calendar to run a successful fundraising campaign
Fundraise for ASXL research and education
Our work is made possible through the generous contributions from our community of families, their friends and neighbors. You can contribute to the future of ASXL research by hosting a fundraiser to benefit the ARRE Foundation.
Some ideas include:
Ask for donations in lieu of traditional gifts (birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, holidays, and other special occasions)
Host a fundraiser at your workplace
Hold a yard sale with proceeds benefiting the ARRE Foundation
If you need any help setting up a special occasion fundraiser, including creation of special graphics or sample text, we’re happy to assist! Please contact Amanda Johnson at
Host a Facebook fundraiser
Facebook makes it very easy to set up a fundraising campaign for the ARRE Foundation! Launch Facebook Fundraisers, set your goal, add your campaign dates, and that’s it. Facebook does not charge any processing fees - so 100% of what you raise benefits ASXL research and education.
Host an Awareness Day fundraiser
Awareness Days make great fundraising occasions! Bohring-Opitz Syndrome (April 6), Shashi-Pena Syndrome (October 6) and Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome (February 5) each have their own Awareness Day. And there’s Rare Disease Day, which is the last day of February. We have lots of resources for your fundraising campaign on our Awareness Days page.
Host a GivingTuesday fundraiser
GivingTuesday is an international day of giving. It is the ASXL community’s biggest fundraising occasion each year. In 2022, our team of 23 volunteer fundraisers including parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles raised over $17,500 to support ASXL research and education through Facebook and Instagram fundraisers on GivingTuesday. We provide a day-by-day playbook for your campaign and support you with personalized graphics and resources.
Round up for research
Are you a Walmart shopper? You can now round up your Walmart orders to benefit the ARRE Foundation and ASXL research. From the Walmart app or your online Walmart account, go to Account, then Giving and Impact, and search for “ASXL.” Then, turn off the location filter to find us!