Ways to give
Thank you for investing in a stronger future for individuals living with ASXL syndromes. Your donation to the ARRE Foundation advances research into these little-studied syndromes and improves our understanding of how to care for people living with Bohring-Opitz, Shashi-Pena, and Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome.
If you’re considering a larger gift, we’d love to speak with you about how best to structure your contribution. Naming opportunities for large initiatives, such as a named research grant, are available. Contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org.
Donations to the ARRE Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of U.S. law. Our tax ID is 82-3890665.
Make a one-time gift
By credit card online
Use our secure online donation form to make a donation by credit card in any amount.
By check
Make your check payable to the ARRE Foundation and mail it to P.O. Box 102, Gorham, ME 04038. We will send you a receipt.
By donor-advised fund
Allocate a grant from your donor-advised fund using the information below:
ASXL Rare Research Endowment Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 102
Gorham, ME 04038
Tax ID: 82-3890665
If you need additional information to make your distribution, please contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org.
Make a recurring gift
Join the Sustainers Circle
Start your automated donation to the ARRE Foundation to join our Sustainers Circle, our special giving society that recognizes donors who make a recurring contribution to support our mission. Set up your recurring donation weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually using our online donation form. Simply select the “Show my support by making this a recurring donation” option and select the frequency and start date.
Members of the Sustainers Circle receive special recognition in our annual report as well as special ARRE Foundation updates. We will send you an annual giving statement for your U.S. tax purposes in January of each year. You may stop or change your recurring donation any time by contacting amanda@arrefoundation.org.
Make a gift of stock
Donate stock or appreciated securities
The ARRE Foundation accepts gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Donating securities is easy and provides you with an immediate tax deduction while eliminating the opportunity for capital gains tax.
Please contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org for the necessary information to arrange for a transfer of securities into the ARRE Foundation’s brokerage account.
Make a planned gift
Planned giving is an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of families living with an ASXL syndrome within the context of your overall financial plan. If you have or would like to include the ARRE Foundation in your estate plan, please let us know so that we may thank you! Please contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org.
Setting up any of these options will likely require the following information:
Full name: ASXL Rare Research Endowment Foundation
Address: P.O. Box 4662, Portland, ME 04112
Tax ID: 82-3890665
Beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account
You may nominate the ARRE Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account including a 401(k), 403(b), or individual retirement account (IRA), among other accounts. You may designate all or a portion (either a dollar amount or a percentage) to pass to the ARRE Foundation after you pass away.
You may nominate the ARRE Foundation as a beneficiary using a standard beneficiary form for your plan or contact the administrator of your life insurance policy or retirement plan for assistance.
Beneficiary of your will
One of the most common ways to provide long-term support for the ARRE Foundation is to include us in your will or trust as a beneficiary. You can designate all or a portion (either a dollar amount or a percentage) to be distributed to the ARRE Foundation after you pass away.
Contact your estate planning professional to make this change to your will or trust.
Gift of real estate
You may transfer residential, commercial, or undeveloped real estate to the ARRE Foundation. Please contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org if you’re considering a gift of real estate.
Establish a charitable gift annuity
A charitable gift annuity is a contract between the donor(s) and the ARRE Foundation that guarantees annual fixed payments to the donor or other income beneficiaries during the donor’s lifetime. After the donor passes away, the assets are distributed to the ARRE Foundation.
Establish a charitable remainder trust
A charitable remainder trust allows you to receive annual income during your lifetime or other period of time while nominating ARRE Foundation as a remainder beneficiary. You may be eligible for a partial tax deduction when you fund the trust. Investment income is exempt from tax. A charitable remainder trust is an ideal option for people with long-term appreciated assets and non-income producing property.
Establish a charitable lead trust
If you provide for the ARRE Foundation through a charitable lead trust, we will receive immediate payments for a term of years, after which the assets may be transferred to your heirs, substantially tax free.