
Medical advice

Important!  This website does not provide medical advice.

Our website contains general medical information about congenital ASXL mutations. This information is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. You should always talk to your or your family member’s health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which drugs or treatment may be appropriate for you or your family member.  We do not represent or warrant that any particular treatment is safe, appropriate or effective for you or your family member. 

In the event of a medical emergency, you should contact your doctor immediately or call 911.


The content on our website is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. We do not warrant or represent that the information on this website, including any medical information, is true, accurate, complete or current.

User-provided content

Our website includes content generated by third-party users of our website, including stories, testimonials from families living with congenital ASXL mutations.  This content reflects the individualized experiences of those surveyed.  It is not medical advice.  We are not responsible, or liable to you or any third party, for the content or accuracy of any content on our website generated by any third party.