Virtual well-being groups for parents of children with autism
Currently enrolling participants
About the study
Researchers at Rowan University are conducting a study examining how parents of children with autism prefer to participate in virtual parental well-being groups. Parents will be randomized into either a 6-hr workshop group, a 3-week group with 2-hr sessions once per week, or a 6-week group with 1-hr sessions once per week. The groups will target parental well-being, be entirely virtual, and will be scheduled based on participant availability. After the completion of the virtual group session(s), parents will receive two sessions of virtual parent training to learn skills to address their child’s challenging behavior.
Who is eligible to participate in the study
This study is open to anyone with an ASXL-related disorder, including ASXL1 (Bohring-Opitz Syndrome), ASXL2 (Shashi-Pena Syndrome), or ASXL3 (Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome). There is no age limit.
How to participate in the study
Parents can participate if:
They are at least 18 years old
They have a child age 5-12 with autism and co-occurring challenging behavior
They live in the United States
They speak English
They have access to a device with audio and video capabilities.
They can identify another adult to assist with participation
Next steps if you are interested in participating
If you are interested in participating, please complete this survey and a member of the research team will reach out to schedule a brief phone call to determine eligibility and answer any questions:
If you have any questions, please email Abigail Moretti, the co-facilitator, at This study has been approved by Rowan University's IRB (Study # PRO-2023-5).