Hang on: Glass half full in a COVID world

by Laura Badmaev, ARRE Foundation founder and chair

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While isolation and uncertainty are new for many people in this new COVID world, they are familiar experiences to many rare disease families like ours.  In contrast to this dire situation, I would like to highlight some of the positives.

With less events and distractions, our life has slowed down.  We have time to connect and create stronger bonds with each other, spend time outdoors, and focus on our health.  We have learned to become more prepared and plan for the unexpected.  Every day brings something new and our expectations for what our life should be like have changed.

Barriers to telecommuting have disappeared for many industries and professions and many more people are working from home, which has quality of life benefits.  There has also been an outpour of virtual resources and activities, web group chat conference calls with family, friends, & classmates, and the ability to have virtual services like medical visits and tele-therapy. 

Unlike wars, genocides, communism, and other crises, we are all in this together and have many advances to keep us comfortable and informed – food, electricity, technology (& home delivery!), media – plus we have our freedoms.  Experts, researchers, and leaders from around the world have come together to solve this crisis.  

Many have died from this pandemic and more waves are most likely still ahead in the coming years.  What I have learned from my experience as a special needs parent is that we need to remain optimistic for the future.  We cannot control the situation but we can control how we react and manage through it.  Take one day at a time, connect with your community, maintain hope, and appreciate progress as it comes.  

We will all get through this together!


Research grant spotlight: Dr. Val Arboleda (UCLA)


Go with the flow: A vacation with special needs