Volunteer interest form

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering! We understand that many families and professionals have differing amounts of time to give.

In the form below, you can tell us what types of volunteer jobs you’re interested in based on how much time you can give and what your skills and interests are. We look forward to being in touch!

Time commitment definitions

  • Quick tasks (less than an hour)

    • Example: Posting something to social media to build awareness

  • Short tasks (1-2 hours total)

    • Example: Researching and making a list of all the scientific genetics associations

  • Small projects (up to 20 hours)

    • Example: Coordinating a panel of families for a webinar

  • Strategic guidance (25 hours or more)

    • Example: Long-term advisory role like helping manage the organization’s finances or joining an active committee

If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, please contact Amanda Johnson at amanda@arrefoundation.org.